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Do you like the new homepage, i dont know if i should keep it this way, what do you think, email me and give youre opinions. Email.

Welcome to the new home page for trossachs fishing, I thought that a change is in order so why not. I would like to say sorry for all the spelling mistakes that i made in my recent homepage, I am glad that this website is so useful to the public and the response that ive had is brilliant(actually its quite annoying because my email account was full up within two days of this website launching), but still remember that all suggestions are welcome, but one special thank you goes out to Ishbel Dowie who owns the Bridge-end House Hotel and is also my employer for pointing out mistakes in links and making me get off my fat arse and do something about it, thank you Ishbel. The bridge-ends website can be located on the links page.

So what have i got to say, well it feels like spring is actually here(AT LAST!!!), and the trout season in the local area has opened(HOORAH), so if you have any pictures of that monster trout, why not send it to me and you never know you might even be crowned fisherman of the month. Or even if you have that massive catch-in-a-day photo you could be crowned the jammie git.

Can you beleive it ive ran out of things to say, Ishbel's probably having a heart attack from shock, so this is where i'll leave you, i hope you enjoy my site.


All information on this website is by knowledge upto date
and the copyright belongs to Neil Masters©.